Nov 17


SF City Hall will be having a birthday party for its 100th year and 100 newly commissioned works by Jeremy Fish this Thursday, November 19th from 5:30-7:30pm. Mr. Fish is the first official Artist in Residence at City Hall and will be hosting a tour starting at 5PM (meet on the ground floor). Free & open to the public. Fish will also be giving away screen prints of the image below to the first 50 people to attend the reception.


O Glorious City
A solo exhibition celebrating SF City Hall’s 100th birthday by Jeremy Fish
Exhibition Dates: November 4, 2015 – February 12, 2016

O Glorious City features both drawings and photographs about San Francisco, with many relating specifically to historic City Hall. As part of his process to create this exceptionally large body of work, Fish assumed the role of the first official Artist in Residence at City Hall. O Glorious City comes from a text written by former San Francisco Mayor Edward Robeson Taylor inscribed in the rotunda of City Hall: “San Francisco, O glorious city of our hearts that has been tried and not found wanting, go thou with like spirit to make the future thine.”

ogloriuscity1photograph by @marrstache @sfacgalleries

All of the drawings on display will be available for sale from Fifty24SF Gallery.  Contact:

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