Jeremy Fish is showing new work December 14, 2019 – January 4, 2020 at Hashimoto Gallery at 804 Sutter and Spoke Art Gallery at 816 Sutter. 26 new pieces inspired by his love for “the best city on earth”. Opening reception is on December 14th from 6-9pm. Preview the whole collection.
20” x 20” / 2019 Acrylic on wood panel
2019 / 11” x 32” Collab with Professor Paul Schmitt Acrylic on custom cut skateboard
eventsComments Off on Jeremy Fish’s Bronze Bunny & Lower Haight Art Walk
Jeremy Fish will be unveiling his Bronze Bunny statue this Saturday, April 29th at 215 Haight St 5pm to kick off the Lower Haight Art Walk. Afterwards, he will be at Upper Playground, 220 Fillmore to hand out 100 free signed prints of the bunny. UP will be selling commemorative BB tees & hoodies.
“Bronze is forever. Long after the drawings and paintings have all turned to dust. The tee shirts with my art on them have all turned back to threads. The murals are painted over, and the buildings are all knocked down. This Bronze Bunny will still be standing there, greeting visitors to the Lower Haight, and reminding them that once upon a time The Silly Pink Bunnies were the raddest gang in the galaxy”. -Jeremy Fish
new musicComments Off on Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman – Lice Two
People of earth –
We are proud to announce our new FREE EP – Lice Two: Still Buggin’ … Should the majesty of free music inspire some charity, here are a couple places we feel your money could do some good: helpkidscatchfish |
Have a fantastic day – Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman
eventsComments Off on Jeremy Fish – Los Angelurkers
If you’re in the southern California area, be sure to make a stop by Jeremy Fish’s show, where he’ll be exhibiting his collection ‘Los Angelurkers’. The show opens on June 25 from 6-9 pm at Thinkspace Gallery 6009 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232.
eventsComments Off on Jeremy Fish – O Glorious City
SF City Hall will be having a birthday party for its 100th year and 100 newly commissioned works by Jeremy Fish this Thursday, November 19th from 5:30-7:30pm. Mr. Fish is the first official Artist in Residence at City Hall and will be hosting a tour starting at 5PM (meet on the ground floor). Free & open to the public. Fish will also be giving away screen prints of the image below to the first 50 people to attend the reception.
O Glorious City
A solo exhibition celebrating SF City Hall’s 100th birthday by Jeremy Fish
Exhibition Dates: November 4, 2015 – February 12, 2016
O Glorious City features both drawings and photographs about San Francisco, with many relating specifically to historic City Hall. As part of his process to create this exceptionally large body of work, Fish assumed the role of the first official Artist in Residence at City Hall. O Glorious City comes from a text written by former San Francisco Mayor Edward Robeson Taylor inscribed in the rotunda of City Hall: “San Francisco, O glorious city of our hearts that has been tried and not found wanting, go thou with like spirit to make the future thine.”
photograph by @marrstache @sfacgalleries
All of the drawings on display will be available for sale from Fifty24SF Gallery. Contact: [email protected]
eventsComments Off on Jeremy Fish – Yesterdays and Tomorrows
Fish’s new solo show “Yesterdays and Tomorrows” opens this Friday at FFDG 2277 Mission St, SF at 6pm. He will be showing 100 drawings and releasing 4 new prints inspired by the things he loved when he moved to SF in 1994.
The Screen Prints are 18″ x 24″ using metallic inks, and printed by Bloom Press on 270 GSM uncoated archival stock. In editions if 50 and 100. To order contact [email protected]
eventsComments Off on Upper Playground x DLXSF Pizza Party!
To celebrate their 15th (UP) and 20th (DLXSF) anniversaries and the release of their Walrus cruiser skateboard, Upper Playground and DLXSF are having a pizza party tonight from 6-8 at DLX Skateshop 1831 Market street.