Jan 17

Toph One Benefit at SOM

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TOPH ONE, longtime DJ and friend of most people in SF was seriously injured in a hit & run accident last week.  The community is coming together for a benefit at SOM this Sunday (100% of proceeds will be donated to Toph).  We’re wishing Toph a speedy & complete recovery!

SOM. 2925 16th St.

Please join us Sunday January 22nd:
• $10-$20 Donations will be collected at the door (nobody turned away for a lack of funds), of which 100% will go directly to TOPH.
• SOM is donating 50% of bar sales.
• All of the DJs are donating their talents (so buy them a drink!)
All to raise funds for our comrade who has been dealt a serious set back.

Other ways you can help:
• Donate any goods that can be sold for a “silent auction” during the event.
• We need volunteers to collect donations at the door.
If you have any other ideas please contact us at: [email protected]

If you can’t make the event but would still like to help, please spread the word by sharing this on your facebook page, tweeting or inviting your friends!


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Apr 01

Umamiart: The Gift of Food Japan Benefit

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Sorry to post these all at once (and this one with out a graphic).  Trying to get this out before the weekend…

Link to event tickets.

More details.

Umamimart presents THE GIFT OF FOOD, a massive fundraising party to benefit earthquake relief efforts in northern Japan.

Tommy Guerrero
Gadget (Function 8)
TophOne (RedWine DJs)
DJ Orb
Gabuちゃん (Amoeba Records)

Yamazaki Whisky
Joto Sake
The Glenrothes Whisky
Brugal Rum
GlenGrant Scotch
Bulleit Bourbon + Rye

Peko Peko Japanese Catering
Sandbox Bakery

Check our official site often for tix, details and updates:

If you would like to support the event, please email: [email protected]


All proceeds go to Second Harvest Japan, the country’s first food bank. In the wake of the quake and tsunami, Second Harvest Japan has been driving two-ton truckloads of food, water and vital necessities into northern Japan every day. They are our heroes, and from the streets of San Francisco, let’s give them THE GIFT OF FOOD.

Come support! See you on the 5th!

Kayoko + Yoko
Team Umamimart


Big THANK YOU to our generous donors: Yamazaki Whisky, Judy Hayama, Devin Farrell, Kazuko Hayama & Lakshman Srinivasan, Glenrothes, Brugal Rum, Matt Kawamura.

Much love for THE GIFT OF FOOD organizing committee: Neyah White, Matthew Meidinger + Kevin Deidrich (The Burritt Room), Louesa Roebuck (FLORA), Sylvan Mishima Brackett (Peko Peko), Mai Sasaki, Isaac Bess, Norma Listman.

Special thanks to our performers Tommy Guerrero and Toph One.

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Feb 25

Got Kidney?

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RasCue is a man who has given so much to the Hip Hop Community, both locally and internationally as an Emcee, DJ, Producer, Host, as well as a member of Various Blends, Urban Umpires, and Cali Agents.   Well what most people don’t know is that he recently fell victim to a kidney disorder called Renal Chronic Kidney Disease. So RaCue has to go for long Dialysis treatments 3 times a week and is on 7 different medications to stay alive until they figure out a better way to treat him. But due to these sky rocketing hospital bills, he has been struggling to support himself and his young daughter through these rough times. 12 DJ’S Coming together to Support one of our own. Please join us for this celebration of life and witness the impact of a small act of kindness and love.. feb 26th at Paradise Lounge, 1501 Folsom,  SF. $10 Donation.

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